On a table of acceptance a body without an identity, a single word in a forest that would have been a foundation all in alignment with a strong deliberate strokes of humiliation
In all my conversations I have had to add the word like and the statement "you know what I'm saying" to everyone .Not him though .his understood
One year ,three minutes and added fuck yous !but still it was brighter than ever
Words refused to stick to the page
Do you remember?
Do you remember the time i took you to the candy shop
Do you remember the time we lied that we were siblings
Do you remember the now painted building
The tension
The kiss
I remember thinking i was home
Just as naive ,just as stupid ,just as foolish
A confused little girl i was
The saddest story though is that there were some days that were so vivid we had to remember but there are the ones that were so normal we forgot ,now they do not exist
Such big forgotten pieces in our lives ,you decided to lock then in a shelf inside the forgotten cottage in the woods ,that you cannot even remember the dark and bright laughs
A bad routine
A long distance love but you were right there
Do i make you uncomfortable or do i make you too comfortable you think it is abnormal to be free
You push me again and again ,i come back again and again , and again is now no more I am gone!
You were scared, but of what?
You fathered yourself so much and so goddamm well that i felt so protected in a way that i have never experienced before .it is okay that he left you , you did a better job than he ever could you raised a man
You lived a beautiful life in an orchestra especially at night .One filled with so much joys,that you started having alternatives ,how sad
Do i make you comfortable or do i make yoy so uncomfortable you think it is abnormal to be free
If you get closer to your truth,you will find out the defiant gravity
Some days so normal ,they were forgotten?
I do not love you anymore
The crack of fire in my heart let out a loud ,sharp laugh eased by my ice cold brain
To understand
That you no longer feel the spark when we kiss
No longer feel the need to protect
No longer care
Irritated by my existence in simple terms
What hurt most is the fact that when you saud those words
Your eyes screamed "i wish there was something i could do "
Like a doctor in to a family referring to a patient with cancer
My heart has a tumor
There is nothing to be done
I do not love you any more
I twirl as my moods soften ,do not call me bipolar!
I am just not exposed to heart break
I forced truth i could ever have in a man
How predictable of a woman
You planted a garden in my chest , reachin to choke me
And oh how you destroy me with a word and create me with a kiss
Words stuck in my heart ,that i promised to write when i was completely over you
How sad
All the days i remember have no significance to me anymore
I write because i feel so good i am done loving you ,but so guilty i still think you are still that guy i met at the centre
.in my thirties i promise to make you such a lovely story❤my first love
How stupid this poem would look then
Maybe i wont be able to love again and i will say"yeah, i used to love someone"maybe i will talk about the first day our lips touched
I LOVE love
For now though , i want it pure and untouched ,no added preservatives,not even a manifestation
A broken heart takes its time to heal.real nice and slow
A payback for all the bright days
Memories of my little love
Am too young to be lonely
ILLfigure it out
Im smart
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